This section offers a selection of our fully featured security and hacking tools from NullSecurity.
+ Automation :
This section includes automation tools and wrapper scripts for well-known and public security tools to make your life easier. You can adjust the scripts fast and easily according to your own needs. Mostly written in bourne shell.
+ Backdoor :
Backdoors and rootkits for kernel and userland, network, hardware and software. Once you have gone through all the hard work making sure you can get on the system. Make sure you can always get back in.
+ Binary :
ELF and PE binary related tools. This section includes packers, runtime crypters, including our famous (thanks trusted sec team) hyperion tool from our very own belial and other stuff.
+ Cracker :
Tools for cracking network and software login masks. Not been able to find an exploit to give you RCE? Too lazy to SE? So go smash down the front doors and rummage around with our cracking and brute force tools.
+ Cryptography :
Encrypt all the things! With privacy issues moving up most people agenda with items like PRISM in the news cryptography it one of todays hot topics. It’s also pretty useful for exfiltrating data from your target environment, connecting to that C2 box and keeping your loot away from prying eyes.
+ DDoS :
(D)DoS tools if you wanna by like those n00bs at anonymous or simulate everyones favourite underground extortionists.
+ Exploit :
Proof of Concept tools and, if we are feeling particularly generous, fully working exploits because there is nothing more fun that RCE, except dinner with noptrix of course.
+ Fuzzer :
Didn’t find the exploit you wanted in our exploit section well try one of our fuzzers and write you own god damn code.
+ Keylogger :
When you really need to know those credentials you keep seeing the user enter or are too lazy to go searching for every new piece of useful information just try one of our keyloggers and get the user to do the hard work for you!
+ LogCleaner :
Just because our mothers raised us right, we always clean up after ourselves and pwnage is no exception. These logcleaners also help in not getting caught on that important engagement.
+ Misc :
This section includes miscellanous files. Often, you will find non-security related stuff here.
+ Resersing :
Whether figuring out how that new piece of malware you just discovered works or hunting for the next 0day from $vendor, our reversing toolz will help you on your way.
+ Scanner
Can’t find any useful hints on shodan? Google dorks not dishing up the goods? Hell get one of our scanners out and track down your targets in 2 shakes of a lol-cat’s tail.
+ Shellcode
Just because our fuzzer worked or the PoC was fantastic doesn’t mean that running calc is gonna put a smile on your face. If you got RCE try our shellcodes to actually do something useful.
+ Wireless
Why wireless? It works and you don’t have to wear your favorite nullsecurity hoody to hide you face from the camera in reception. Hack all the thingz!
If you find some bugs or if you have any questions, ideas or criticism regarding to this section, feel free to message us.
And For Latest Tools stay Online.
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