Wednesday, December 11

Shutdowns Trick: How to disable the Shut Down option in the Shut Down Dialog Box

This is a neat trick you can play on that lamer that has a huge ego, in this section I teach you, how to disable the Shut Down option in the Shut Down Dialog Box. This trick involves editing the registry, so please make backups. Launch regedit.exe and go to :


In the right pane look for the NoClose Key. If it is not already there then create it by right clicking in the right pane and selecting New > String Value.(Name it NoCloseKey ) Now once you see the NoCloseKey in the right pane, right click on it and select Modify. Then Type 1 in the Value Data Box.

Doing the above on a Win7 system disables the Shut Down option in the Shut Down Dialog Box. You can enable the shut down option by changing the value of NoCloseKey to 0 or simply deleting the particular Entry i.e. deleting NoCloseKey.

Instead of performing the above difficult to remember process, simply save the following with an extension of .reg and add it's contents to the registry by double clicking on it.



Note: This process uses Local Group Policy Editor which is not available in Starter or Home versions of Windows 7.

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