An iPhone 6 user from Gurgaon, India has filed a Police complaint stating that his iPhone 6 exploded during a call. The handset according to a report from the Times of India, began sparking and then finally exploded after it was thrown out of the car.
Luckily, the owner was not harmed as he was using the smartphone in the hands-free mode. As for the iPhone, it appears to be in pretty bad shape and looks like it exploded from within.
The whole incident took place two days after the owner purchased the smartphone in Delhi for Rs 60,000. The iPhone began sparking when the owner was on a call 2 days later and then exploded; post which on the 22nd of June he decided to visit the retailer and was then re-directed to the Apple service centre.
It is there where owner, Kishan Yadav deposited the smartphone and was asked to wait until the centre contacts him. This is when Yadav decided to file a Police complaint.
This is not the first case where smartphones have exploded for no reason, A Samsung Galaxy S4 user also experienced something far worse when his phone exploded, burning down his apartment in Hong Kong, China.
This is not the first time that a mishap has been reported due to iPhone by its users. An iPhone 6 user from Long Island, USA had claimed this March that his iPhone burst into flames inside his pocket rendering him third-degree burns.
Yadav has registered a complaint with the Apple Store. Later he filed an FIR against the company.
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Luckily, the owner was not harmed as he was using the smartphone in the hands-free mode. As for the iPhone, it appears to be in pretty bad shape and looks like it exploded from within.
The whole incident took place two days after the owner purchased the smartphone in Delhi for Rs 60,000. The iPhone began sparking when the owner was on a call 2 days later and then exploded; post which on the 22nd of June he decided to visit the retailer and was then re-directed to the Apple service centre.
It is there where owner, Kishan Yadav deposited the smartphone and was asked to wait until the centre contacts him. This is when Yadav decided to file a Police complaint.
This is not the first case where smartphones have exploded for no reason, A Samsung Galaxy S4 user also experienced something far worse when his phone exploded, burning down his apartment in Hong Kong, China.
This is not the first time that a mishap has been reported due to iPhone by its users. An iPhone 6 user from Long Island, USA had claimed this March that his iPhone burst into flames inside his pocket rendering him third-degree burns.
Yadav has registered a complaint with the Apple Store. Later he filed an FIR against the company.
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