- 5-8: Ground Zero Summit 2015 - New Delhi, India (@g0summit)
- 6-8: SecureWV - South Charleston, WV (@SecureWVCon)
- 7-8: ISACA COBIT Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark (@ISACANews)
- 7-10: 26th ISF Annual World Congress - Atlanta, GA (@securityforum)
- 8-10: CDM CISO Summit - Phoenix, AZ (@CDMmedia)
- 8-11: 7th mHealth Summit - Washington, DC (@mHealthSummit)
- 8-13: 29th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA) 2015 - Washington, DC (@lisaconference)
- 9-10: Total Security Summit - Chicago, IL (@ForumEventsUSA)
- 9-11: International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2015) - London, UK
- 9-11: ISACA EuroCACS/ISRM 2015 - Copenhagen, Denmark (@ISACANews)
- 9-12: 2015 Process Control and Safety Symposium - Houston, TX (@ISA_Interchange)
- 10: ATARC Federal Internet of Everything Summit - Washington, DC (@fedsummits)
- 10: (ISC)2 SecureSaltLakeCity 2015 - Salt Lake City, UT
- 10-11: Information Security Solutions Conference (ISSE) - Berlin, Germany (@ISSEconference)
- 10-11: CIO Cloud Summit - Phoenix, AZ (@CDMmedia)
- 10-13: Black Hat Europe - Amsterdam, The Netherlands (@BlackHatEvents)
- 11: Metro Atlanta ISSA - Foundations of Effective Security - Atlanta, GA (@ISSAINTL)
- 11-12: SecureWorld Seattle - Bellevue, WA (@SecureWorldExpo)
- 11-12: DEFRAG 2015 - Broomfield, CO (@defrag)
- 11-12: PacSec 2015 Conference - Tokyo, Japan (@PacSecjp)
- 11-12: escar Embedded Security in Cars - Europe - Cologne, Germany
- 12: (ISC)2 SecureSDLC-BayArea2015 - Milpitas, CA
- 13-14: #BSidesDE - Wilmington, DE (@BSidesDE)
- 14: #BSidesCHS - Charleston, SC (@BSidesCHS)
- 14-15: #BSidesWPG - Winnipeg, Canada (@BSidesWpg)
- 14-20: US Cyber Crime Conference - National Harbor, MD (@CyberCrime2015)
If you know of any other security-related conferences, seminars or events, please let me know so I can post them (ynaveen42 at gmail dot com).