A large scripts for python fully featured security and hacking tools. We also provide some exploits, proof of concept code, shellcodes and snippets.
These files and scripts are not intended for malicious purposes, they are to be used for training, and legally approved assessments.
File Lists:
+ banner_grabber.py: Purpose; A script that takes data from parsed nmap XML files and writes it into XLSX files.
+ dirtester.py: Purpose; To identify unlinked and hidden files or directories within web applications.
+ headrequest.py: Purpose; To identify live web applications out extensive IP ranges.
+ rfiping.php: Purpose: A script that takes data from parsed nmap XML files and writes it into XLSX files.
+ request_brute.py; Purpose: Prototype code to login to an application and execute follow-on activity using the request library.
+ ssh_login.py: Purpose; To scan a network for a ssh port and automatically generate a resource.
+ rfiping.php: Purpose; A script that takes data from parsed nmap XML files and writes it into XLSX files
+ tcp_exploit.py: Purpose: An sample exploit for testing TCP services.
+ smtp_vrfy.py: Purpose: To validate users on a box running SMTP.
+ tftp_download.py: Purpose: To run through a range of possible files and try and download them.
+ udp_exploit.py; Purpose: An sample exploit for testing UDP services.
+ tcpdump.sh; Purpose: A script that takes data from parsed nmap XML files and writes it into XLSX files.
+ username_generator.py; Purpose: To generate a username list from the US Census Top 1000 surnames and other lists.
+ wrapper_exploit.py; Purpose: An sample exploit for wrapping around a binary execution.
+ setup.sh: Purpose: This installation file does the basic installation of PIP, and relevant Python libraries.
+ banner_grabber.py: Purpose: To provide a means to demonstrate a simple file upload proof of concept related to exploiting Free MP3 CD Ripper.
+ ifacesdetails.py: Purpose: To scan a network for a ssh port and automatically generate a resource file.
+ nmap_parser.py: Purpose: An script that can process and parse NMAP XMLs Returnable Data: A dictionary of hosts{iterated number} = [[hostnames], address, protocol, port, service name]
+ msfrpc_smb.py: Purpose: To scan a network for a smb ports and validate if credentials work on the target host.
+ publicip.py: Purpose: To grab your current public IP address.
Systems: This has only been tested on Kali 2.0
Download: pythonpentest.zip(55.2 KB)
Source : https://github.com/funkandwagnalls
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